Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sparkling Wine and Pretty Wicked Moms…

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         Tonight, I am watching Pretty Wicked Moms and drinking some Sparkling Wine. It makes for a great ending to a somewhat stressful day. I say stressful because I have had a lot on my mind. My boyfriends ex had the nerve to call mine and my boyfriends son is a mistake. Considering she has no idea what really happened, she has NO right, BUT, everyone has their opinion I guess. Which leads me to the truth about my MARRIED bf and I.

          We met on www.match.com. He is a police officer and an amazing man. He has accepted my boys as his own (while respecting that they have a “dad” ) He treats me better than anyone I have EVER been with. He honestly is amazing. His (soon to be ex) wife decided to move out/split up and after multiple affairs, he decided not to fight anymore. (Who can blame him…he had already went through marriage counseling once) I don't know if his kids know this or not, but she had been unfaithful a couple of times. She told her youngest daughter that before they were going to get a divorce they decided to “work things out” and have another child… and now they are getting a divorce. His daughter cried to me thinking she didn't “make things better.” As a mother, former nanny, and human, it broke my heart. This poor little girl thinks she should have made things better, and didn’t. Which is not true! My bfs Ex does not like me I guess. She does not want my kids going to her kids school, and she does not want her kids to really like my kids.

       I dont know how much longer I can keep my mouth shut when I am around her. I have done nothing to her. I have done everything I can for their kids, treated them like they are my own, and yet, she still has issues with me. She.Left. Him.         

    On that note… I will have to watch Pretty wicked moms another time…BUT I enjoyed the Wine. 


  1. You are a strong woman for keeping it sealed!!!! I would have blown up, ( I think ) You are great with all 6 children!!!! don't let anyone tell you different!!!! I know all 3 of you...(dun,dun,dun) And choices such the one that was made, is done.... nobody has the right to tell anyone that a CHILD IS A MISTAKE!!!! Every child is a gift!!!!! ( and cute as a button too ) I mentioned before, my view on the hate???? You are an amazing woman ( of what I know!!! ) Keep your chin up! Smile and know that your police officer is smiling too!!!! What's the old saying.... "you made your bed, now you've got to sleep in it"! Now keep that baby quiet I can hear him here!!!! LOL Hugs to you!!! Tracey

  2. Thank you! That means a lot! :)

  3. Stopping by to say hi. Was sent over form heather! :) I'm a boy mom of 3 too!! :) Looking forward to meeting ya!
