Friday, December 12, 2014

3 Day Refresh

I have never been someone to try fad diets. Even after my first child, second child, and not even after my third. (Hes almost 2...if I were going to try a diet it would have been sooner.) I had the freshman 15 through out my two years of college (even after the freshman stage). In high school, the diet I did go on was due to braces and an expander... There is only so much food you can eat when theres a big gap at the top of your mouth. So needless to say, when I hear someone mention these shakes, and feeling healthy, the word diet never came to mind. I didnt think, oh my, I need to go on that diet. I thought "Oh my, I need to try this magical shake". It wasnt until the person who origionally mentioned this so called magic shake, walked into the room, 2 months since I last saw her. Wow. She glowed. Yes, she was skinnier. But she also seemed to have this energy. Her skin looked good too! (NOT THAT IT DIDNT BEFORE.) This was just different. What has this woman done? How can my skin glow? Where do I find this energy? (sure I wouldnt mind losing a couple pounds but ...) Whats in that cup? Shake what? Shakeology? I must google this. That is what went through my mind. As I googled I kept getting this website that kept popping up. Excersise? I dont want that. I want this magic tasty shake that gives energy and good skin. What does this have to do with While searching the website, I found what I was looking for. The shake. I decided to give it a try. So what better way to try this magic plan than with a 3 day refresh. I can stick it out for three days right? Right?! Well today this magic plan/shake/stuff came. YAY! I am so excited to try this. I will address the promises of this "3 Day Refresh" in my next post. I will post before and after pictures.

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