Monday, October 7, 2013

Quaker Oats

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I received these (Free!) from . I received them to give an honest review of the product. I must say. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new Quaker Oat Real Medleys. They were DELISH. ambers phone 2965 If you like peach, you will absolutely love this flavor! They were bursting with peachyness. (I made that word up just to show you that I was not compensated to say that I LOVE these ! ) By far my most FAV oatmeal anything.

The other products were the same as Quaker oatmeal. Good. Yummy. But somewhat all the same. I would definitely purchase these items for myself and my family. I would definitely purchase those peach bars for me. Hidden. In my room. So no one else could find them. They are that good!

Nerf Rebelle

ambers phone 2787 This was the first picture I was able to take. Do you know why?! Because Annika, my soon to be step daughter, was SUPER excited! I received What? Free? Courtesy of Whom?

I recieved this my dear reader(s)! The new Nerf Rebelle. BEFORE it was out in stores. I know. Exciting. sent me this, because they thought Annika might enjoy it and that I would give my honest opinion of this. She did enjoy it. As much as any girl would enjoy a toy bow. She loved it. Girly colors! ambers phone 2789

With Girly Ammo. ambers phone 2788

Amazing. While it doesnt shoot as far as it says it should, that could be our error (although, I did get it to shoot farther than her. so. yeah… :-P ). It works great. It shoots great. It entertains her and empowered her. I think this is going to be a great line for girls! I would recommend this to anyone with girls who enjoy being girly, but also enjoy a good nerf fight <3<3<3

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and ambers phone 2800

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Back from hiding!

Im BACK! Wow being a mom has kicked my butt. I dont have time for anything anymore now that I am living the Brady Bunch life. Do you REALIZE how much clothing 8 people create? GOODNESS GRACIOUS. I have been lucky enough to be reviewing some products lately, and I can not wait to share my thoughts. :) Please check back soon!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Stupid phone!

I just realized all my blogs I've posted (from my phone) are not posting. I will be sticking to my laptop for awhile!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


This explosion has taken over an entire living room. This is only a quarter of the clothing! 10 people, 1 week...goodness gracious do I hate laundry.

Pre-k or Straight to Kindergarten?

Kaileb took his "test" today to see if he is eligible to start kindergarten early or not. His birthday is October 25 2008 so he falls in that category. From what I heard, I dont know if he is ready. He gets super nervous. He is so smart though!

I grabbed a pre-k form though...just in case. Anyone else wondering if they ahould send thier child to kindergarten early?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bryce Edwin Gunder

Ahhh. This is my last baby. My 7 lb 2 oz baby boy is not 12 lb 1 oz. I am trying to enjoy EVERY minute of his babyhood… He is the happiest baby I have ever met. And he is the spitting image of his daddy.(Not fair! I did all the work and he gets all the credit!) Today I realized that he is growing up way to fast. He is already 2 months 2 weeks (6 days, 3 hours, 4 minutes…)… But really. He is almost 3 months old!I just had him. I was just screaming for the epidural. I just held him in my arms for the first time. My boyfriend does not find it funny when I say I miss him being inside me. He reminds me of my crying about how I just wanted him here in my arms and I would be so happy. (And I am… I am absolutely smitten…)But he needs to slow down. He is living the life.

He nurses like 20 hours a day (it seems like). He gets everything done for him. He coos and melts my heart. I’m not ready for crawling or walking or talking or yelling. I honestly wish I could video tape these first couple years. So I could go and watch them when I am at my wits end with him. I wish I had done that with my last two.

I have realized that I took my last two boys “babyhood” for granted. I didn’t think it would go by so fast. I didn’t realize I would be wishing for those days back so soon.

My other two were more difficult. Every thing about my pregnancy and birth just seemed more difficult. I think a lot of it was my unhappiness in my marriage. I had a alcoholic husband that was not nice and treated me like crap. He told me on multiple occasions how much he resented me, my pregnancy, my health issues, and “our kids”. It broke my heart. When your relationship is not that great, you don’t enjoy anything. I wish I could have that time back. I wish I could have been as happy as I am now with Jeff. But, you live and you learn.

On that note, I have been up for too long and I am starting to ramble…(or maybe I am finishing my ramble?)

I have 3 handsome little boys and I am so proud of them…I Can not wait to see what is to come <3


How did you feel during your children's “babyhood?”

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Blog Workshop

I have never attended a blog “workshop” before. I have read a lot about them, but due to being new at blogging, I have never attended.
I have the opportunity, though, to attend The Blog Workshop’s 2013 conference via the Internet! I am excited since I have no idea what to expect since I will be attending via internet.
There are some pretty obvious benefits to joining The Blog Workshop. They have an entire community for bloggers! It is a learning community for bloggers (and vloggers!). Their catch phrase on their about page is “Where Blogging Meets Business”.
They offer learning/training, networking, conferences, The Blog Workshop University, and more! Please make sure you at least check out "Blogging Laws You SHOULD Know."

Please feel free to join me this year on the following links:
Workshops -
TBW University:

                                                        Please Click Here!

TBW 2013 Workshop Schedule

06/26/13Surviving SEODan R. Morris
07/24/13Blogging Laws You SHOULD KnowSara Hawkins

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Blessings when you need them most...

The entire situation with my bfs ex had me really upset. The bitterness and drama got to me. If it weren't for some of the people who let me vent, I would still be fuming. If you know me, you know it takes a lot for me to get so upset I start plotting revenge. She sent us bible verses, I had my responses picked out. She was not going to get away with talking about my kids the way she was... But, I am not that girl. I can't stoop to her level. I don't want to continue the drama. I truly believe in karma.
I have Heather, Tracey, Kim, and Ruth to thank for listening to me vent and helping me realize what it is really about.
So, this muggy and cloudy Sunday morning, I am at peace...

Minus my snoring baby boy ;-)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sparkling Wine and Pretty Wicked Moms…

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         Tonight, I am watching Pretty Wicked Moms and drinking some Sparkling Wine. It makes for a great ending to a somewhat stressful day. I say stressful because I have had a lot on my mind. My boyfriends ex had the nerve to call mine and my boyfriends son is a mistake. Considering she has no idea what really happened, she has NO right, BUT, everyone has their opinion I guess. Which leads me to the truth about my MARRIED bf and I.

          We met on He is a police officer and an amazing man. He has accepted my boys as his own (while respecting that they have a “dad” ) He treats me better than anyone I have EVER been with. He honestly is amazing. His (soon to be ex) wife decided to move out/split up and after multiple affairs, he decided not to fight anymore. (Who can blame him…he had already went through marriage counseling once) I don't know if his kids know this or not, but she had been unfaithful a couple of times. She told her youngest daughter that before they were going to get a divorce they decided to “work things out” and have another child… and now they are getting a divorce. His daughter cried to me thinking she didn't “make things better.” As a mother, former nanny, and human, it broke my heart. This poor little girl thinks she should have made things better, and didn’t. Which is not true! My bfs Ex does not like me I guess. She does not want my kids going to her kids school, and she does not want her kids to really like my kids.

       I dont know how much longer I can keep my mouth shut when I am around her. I have done nothing to her. I have done everything I can for their kids, treated them like they are my own, and yet, she still has issues with me. She.Left. Him.         

    On that note… I will have to watch Pretty wicked moms another time…BUT I enjoyed the Wine. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Snuggly Baby Stuff Review

My boyfriend is a HUGE Steelers fan. I could care less about football. (Sorry!) But he loves it. So when I was pregnant, everything that I found Steelers wise was for older kids or ugly! So I had this brilliant idea to as my friend who makes amazing baby things (aka: Snuggly Baby Stuff ) to make our soon to be baby a taggie and some shoulder burp cloths. I requested (and am EXTREMELY HAPPY with) the following:
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I requested a Steelers taggie, so Bryce could be comforted by his daddy’s favorite team, and some Steelers and Safari themed Shoulder Burp Cloths. Now daddy can burp Bryce in style…
…Except for the fact that some people who are not Steelers fans are quite happy at the thought of someone spitting or throwing up on something Steelers. NOT my intention.
Either way, I am extremely happy with my order. She makes all sorts of cute things! Check out her Facebook Page or her Etsy Page. She has tons of cute things to choose from and can also custom make anything you see. Just ask!
On that note…I have a baby to burp.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Just a quick smile...

Blogger Mobile

I just discovered I can blog from my phone! This seriously makes me happy. I figured you could, but I just now got connected! Yay! My next post will be a review of snuggly baby stuff!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bad Mom! You’re Going to Jail!

My kids must hate me. They get mad when I tell them no and yell “BAD MOM! You’re going to Jail!”. I don't know where they got that from. Here is a list of why I am a bad Mom:

1. I make them drink water in between cups of juice.
2. I don't let them eat foods they are allergic to.
3. I make them take baths.
4. I cut their nails.
5. I make them brush their teeth.
6. I don't let them have soda most of the time (and none with caffeine) .
7. I try to make them eat at least some of their breakfast/lunch/dinner.
8. I make them take naps.
9. I don't let them drink their bath water.
10. I don't let them pee in their bath water.
11. I try to make them do other things besides watch tv.
12. I make them go to bed at a reasonable time.
13. I try to get them to place nicely.
14. They are not allowed to hit/spit/bite/kick/curse.
I'm sure there's more reasons I'm a mean mom, but those are just things that are daily basis reasons.

False Eyelashes, False Look

Kiss everEZlashes – I tried these. They are as easy as they are going to get for putting false eyelashes on (unless you have someone else put them on for you…) After trying to get them on in the right spot, I FINALLY got them on. As I looked in the mirror to admire my work, I realized they looked awful on me! They were too long. They went ABOVE my eyebrows. Don’t get me wrong, if they were shorter, and a little more natural looking, I would have left the house in them and maybe used them for a girls night out. For fun. I would only use these specific ones if I was going for a VERY fake look. Of all the ones that I have seen on their site, none are very real looking. Maybe my face is too small. Who knows. They came off too easy. I didn't need to remove them like they said on the box. I wouldn't recommend these to anyone. Has anyone else had a positive experience with these or any other false lashes?
This picture is from College. Halloween Party. I wore false eyelashes this night (do not remember what brand :( ) but they looked awesome and stayed on (Even after plenty of drinks and dancing!) I think they made my eyes look super pretty with out being TOO over the top fake :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This blog is working because…

… of Heather… I am TRULY very thankful to my friend Heather for helping get this blog up and running and so beautifully set up. She helped me and answered what ever questions I had (have?) and even put up with me changing the layout while she was trying to help me move things around. Every time she would go to see if something looked good where she moved it, the theme would be different and all her work would be undone pretty much and I thank for her being patient with me while I acted like a child at Christmas! I am still learning, and getting to know how to blog, and with out her I Would still be staring at a blank screen!
Please Please Please go check out her blog ! (Which is one of the blogs that inspired me to start blogging in the first place…)

"Something Blue" Vox Box Review

I don’t know how I qualified for this box. I completed a questionnaire for a campaign, and somehow qualified for this box (a different campaign), but will try these out anyways. It is for a wedding (whether it be as a bride or a guest or bridal party). Included in this box was:

Kiss everEZlashes – False Eye lashes. Which I DO NOT use (except for at Halloween time once, when I was Marilyn Monroe ). But, this is for a wedding. Which means lots of pictures will be taken. So, I can have fun with these, and try them out. Maybe watch a movie in them, to make me cry, so I can get the full effect. I will write more when I try this out.
Luster NOW! Instant Whitening Toothpaste – Whitening toothpaste. Instant. Yes. It worked for me! It tasted pretty good, made my teeth whiter, and Shiny! Perfect for weddings, pictures and DATES! I would recommend it. You just use it as a regular tooth paste. Must have for Coffee drinkers!!

Q-TIPS Precision Tips -  These came in two “travel” size cases. They. Work. Great. I used them for a slight smudge of eyeliner, and it worked better than regular Q-Tips. It will be great for a girls night out, a wedding, or a date. (assuming you cry, sweat, sneeze a lot and need to fix your eyeliner on the date). maybe not a must have, but, they work great, are cheap, and fit in a purse. Why not?
Dr. Scholls for Her Ball of Foot Cushions -  Give me a week to try these out…

Urgent RX Fast Powder (headache) – This has Aspirin, which I can’t really use. I will have my boyfriend use this and give me his “review”… They would be convenient if they work since they are small and “easy to use”

My Trio Rings – No actual rings were included. Boo. But, I will casually HINT to my bf…just in case…
I received this box from . They were complimentary to try and review. They ask for honest opinions in return for the products.

Lets Start Off With...

Who I am. I am a mom of three very handsome little boys. This is the only thing that comes to mind when I think about who I am. Which, when I think about it, isn’t really fair…considering I am so much more than just a mom. (Just a mom…hahaha. No mom is JUST a mom). I am a blonde by nature and a little blonder by bottle… I am a wine taster (in my home, and usually the same kind that I know I like, but hey.)…I am divorced. I am a girlfriend (to a police officer…with three kids from a previous marriage…that he is still in…more on that later) I am a daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend (although, since having kids, maybe not the BEST friend…) and possibly a step mom. I am a face book addict (admit it, you are too) and read entirely too much TMZ (Don’t judge). I am a coffeeaholic (is that a real word?) And I am a magazine collector. (I want to read them, but never have time…books too…just ask my boyfriend.) That is me in a nutshell. I guess. Who knows.

Lets Be Patient...

I love to talk…I love to give my opinion…I love the computer…Why not start a blog? Now lets all be patient while I figure this all out.